Friday, November 14, 2008

There's a Fat Lady Singing

Well, as they say that's that.
For the very first time in my life I just left a job not under my own choice. It's a bit odd feeling, being layed off, but the future promises to be exciting. I can say that because the past has really been unreal.
I am looking foward to some quiet time, some time to be still and listen. If you have read the book "Wild Goose Chase" you'll get the fact that this is one of the times that the Wild Goose flies. The Spirit moves in and out and all around our lives just as the wind blows. I am excited to see what will come out of this and where God puts me.

Would love to hear about times when you have felt that God was moving you and what happened. So if you have a story, send it back.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A New Season

It seems to me that life is full of seasons and the only thing that we can really be sure of in this world is that there will be change. Change came suddenly for me a few weeks ago in the form of a job that disappeared. The financial woes that everyone faces in this season of life are hitting every part of society. The church is no different, when there is less money things have to change.

Here in the last days of my employment some things come to mind. I really enjoyed serving the people that I came in contact with, some were sent as a test I'm sure but for the most part it was great. I have no regrets for spending six years and then all of a sudden it is gone. I hold no ill will or feelings towards anyone or any group of people, they are all just doing what they think is best for the church. I have been blessed to have had a staff of associates and volunteers who gave their hearts in service, they would have tried to turn the Titanic around in a bathtub if I just asked them to.

But here is the crazy thing, i don't even feel like the reason that I was placed there was to sell books because in all of what I did - I found the place that God has made me for. It is just nuts but I am excited about what is coming next, Christy and I have a perfect peace about what is happening. We have adopted a saying at our house "It's odd because it's God" and that is exciting.

For me it is time to walk the talk that I have been preaching and teaching to my guys over these last few years, I can't crumble now, that would dishonor God and all of the guys would see that I could talk it but not walk it.

The other crazy thing is that I have made some of the best friends that I will ever have. Some are here still and some have moved away. This is the longest that I have ever lived in one place since I left home as a kid. But, my time here has brought some of the best folks ever to my life.

Well, I guess that I should keep posting what happens in our lives because I know that it will be exciting. For those of you who are not here everyday, I miss the time that we spent together and look forward to more time with you.

Captain Dave