Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Service Light Is Getting Dim

Do you ever have those days or times when your service light goes dim?
You know the little red light in the corner eye that shows how much is left in your battey.
Well, mine is getting dim. Sometimes work and stuff and life just gets to ya'. And when it does you know that you need a jump start. Well sports fans, Captain Dave needs a jump start.

It seems like the only thing I really look forward to is what I get to do with Outside the Walls. Now I'm not talking about my family, I always enjoy my time with them. As a matter of fact today was the first Sunday afternoon that I have had off in a very long time. I spent most of it on the floor wrestling with Dylan, we had a blast. Christy was out at a bridal shower and Hayley fell asleep on the way home. The boys had a big time.

Apart from my family I am spent. I am having a difficult time motivating myself, maybe it is a sign, maybe I need a vacation, I don't know. What I do know is that God has made this men's ministry deal become so important to me that I really want to do just that. I don't know what that means or looks like but........I know that is where my heart is at.

So, any great suggestions on how to move on when you have been stuck would be appreciated.


the burchard bunch said...

Praying for you.....Sounds like a vacation is just what you need.... How's NC sound??? I know of a family that would love to have you guys visit!!

debbieingrovecity said...

It is wonderful to do what the Lord wants you to do, but sometimes we dig ourselves in so deep, that when it is time to come up for air, we don't realize the other things in life. I feel for ya...
Well, it may be wet here, but that white stuff is gone. We have a few lakes that Corey is eager to hit. Bring your poles and come on up!!We are ready for a night around the firepit as well. Love you all...