Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Real Lion Chaser

I have been given the pleasure of leading a class, along with a couple of fellow lion chaser, based on the book "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day".
So, the other night I was going through the book and writing down all of the characteristics of a 'Lion Chaser'. It is amazing how far I have to go to be a Lion Chaser. During all of this my four year old daughter starts to scream Daddy, Daddy. So, I ran to her rescue.
Later that night I was telling my wife about Lion Chasers and Hayley walks up and says "Daddy, you are a real Lion Chaser, you can kill bugs". A wasp had found its way into her bedroom.
I don't know if the author would have put this in the book but, at my house, a Lion Chaser kills bugs.


debbieingrovecity said...

Hey, I want to hear more about your family...send some pics too!!
miss you guys....

the burchard bunch said...

I want to hear about California & I need words of wisdom from the captain